About Acceleration

Offering Best Practices in Multiple Marketing Verticals

Created in July 2018 by 30-year marketing and communications industry expert and operator Michael Nyman, Acceleration was built to deliver innovative, omni-channel solutions at an accelerated pace, while providing a more efficient and streamlined alternative to the current traditional agency offering.

Let us be your one-stop shop

Our Focus

Build the Community.
Leverage the Expertise.


Acquire Best-In-Class Agencies

We seek to acquire like-minded marketing, communications and media companies who are disrupters of industry, driven by purpose, and defined by their people, to be part of our community.


Leverage the Expertise

We architect fully-integrated, measurable creative strategies and ideas that embrace innovation and impactful storytelling in the scrolling economy.

Our open architecture model paves the way for synergy at the speed of culture.

We look at consumerism through the lens of the future because we understand it’s not about relevance, it’s about resonance.

Our values


Never Stop Moving Forward.


United in Principle and Purpose.


Think Beyond Boundaries.


Building Trust Through Integrity.


Diverse in Skills, Thoughts, Ideas and People.


Fearless Creativity.